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Our Policies & How To Register For Y.A.K. Camps

After May 1st all registration must be done in person with cash at the Y.A.K. office.

To register for Y.A.K. Camps please print out the Summer Camp registration form attached to our site found here.

Please COMPLETELY fill out the registration form. It is VERY important to leave a legible email address for us to contact you regarding your camp session. Please CLEARLY PRINT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.

Please fill out one application form for each child. 
Any registration form left unsigned will not be processed.
Any registration form without payment will not be processed.

Camp cheques must be payable to Carrie Whalen (Not Y.A.K.)

You can mail, or drop off, your registration form (which also includes your cheque) to Carrie Whalen 716 King St. West Kingston Ontario. K7M 2G2.

You may also pay with e-transfer. Both and are our emails where we process registrations forms and payments.

A receipt will be emailed to you within 2 days of receipt of your registration and payment, as long as we can make out email address on your form.

Payment: is accepted in 2 ways;
1) Payment in FULL, cheque or cash accompanied by your registration form completely filled out. 
2) Payment made with deposit of $50. PER CAMP SESSION + post dated cheque which make up the balance (POST DATED CHEQUES MUST BE DATED NO LATER THAN JUNE 1) accompanied by your registration form completely filled out.
If you are taking the second option you must have a $50. deposit per child per session. THESE POST DATED CHEQUES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. If they are not included with your form then your registration can not be processed until they are received.

As the Ontario Government does not consider summer camps to be child care we must charge HST on our camps. Trust me this sucks for us too!

Special Needs Children
It is important that you let us know if your child has special needs.
Children who can not function on their own for whatever reason must be accompanied by a helper/special needs worker, or parent.

Children with high needs behavior (ADD or ADHD, AUTISM etc) must be accompanied by a parent or worker for the duration of his or her camp session. It is not fair to our staff or to other campers if you send a high needs child to camp with no mention of their behavioral issues. This only ever ends badly.

High functioning Autistic/ADHD children are welcome at YAK without the accompaniment of a childcare worker or parent, but there must be good communication between parents and the camp director regarding your child and their circumstance prior to registration. We have lots of children at YAK camps with high functioning conditions; this works best when we are aware in advance of your child's particularities. Staff can prepare better for the session when they know how to best work with your child.

Behavior Issues:
If your child has high needs behavior problems or behavior issues and you DO NOT notify us of this, we reserve the right to cancel your session with no refund.
If your child's behavior is very poor during the camp session we reserve the right to send him or her home and cancel their session with no refund.

If you checked the NO PHOTOS box on your application form you will need to attach a photo of your child to your application form so that we can put it on file. This way when we are going through photos at a later date for advertising we will have your child's photo in our file for NO PHOTOS

We will be installing recording surveillance cameras at our camps this summer as an extra security measure for our campers and staff.

Not Nut Free
We are not a nut free camp. If your child has a nut allergy we can ask other parents to be careful not to send nut foods during your child's week at camp but this still does not guarantee a nut free environment.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel your camp session and get your money back minus $50. registration fee, you must notify us before June 21th. However after June 21st there are no refunds for any reason.

What to bring to camp
SUN HAT with your child's name written inside.
SUN SCREEN with your child's name written on the container.
Lunch and Snacks- Please try to send lunches with as little garbage as possible.
Water bottle-labeled with your child's name on it. We will offer cold water refills throughout the day for the campers. 
Appropriate clothing for messy art. Children can come home with paint, clay, glue, or other art substances on them. Please do not send them with clothes you don't want ruined.

Indoor shoes or slippers
Appropriate outdoor clothing as we try to get outside everyday for fresh air and outdoor play.

An extra set of clothes is always recommended. We will have a water wall set up most of the time outside and campers can get soaked as they play. 


© 2025 by Jonathan Morin


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